Earlier This Year, Jennifer Wilbanks Got Extremely Term Paper

Total Length: 324 words ( 1 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 1

Earlier this year, Jennifer Wilbanks got extremely cold feet before her wedding. She ran off on her fiance a few days before the scheduled ceremony, which was planned to be elaborate, with 600 invited guests. Wilbanks initially lied about her disappearance, saying she was kidnapped and brought to New Mexico when she had actually purchased her own ticket to Albuquerque in advance and feigned the abduction. Because Wilbanks lied to authorities, cost friends, family, members, and their wedding guests considerable grief and personal financial expense, and because the official search for Wilbanks cost tens of thousands of dollars using hundreds of law enforcement officers and volunteers, the woman should be prosecuted and forced pay reimbursements to law enforcement.

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Step Two: However, Wilbanks' fiance, a devout Christian, has proclaimed his enduring love, compassion, and forgiveness for his runaway bride. The love struck Sean Hannity said to the news media that he would still marry Jennifer and considered that their wedding was simply being….....

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