Eco Fuels Introduction Eco Fuels Term Paper

Total Length: 468 words ( 2 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 6

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VI. Ethanol: Ethanol may be made from straw, agricultural waste, corn or
sugar by using enzymes (Ljunggren, 2005).

"Free energy" fuels have many benefits, one of them being that they do not
deplete the earth's fossil fuel, another is that they are inexpensive and
easy to make. But the most important is that most of them do not pollute
the earth's atmosphere.
RESTATEMENT OF THESIS These fuels already are available and free to use, but the user needs to
know how to make, store and use them.
Eco fuels are the fuels of the future.
Fossil fuels will have been depleted
within the next 25 years and those using them should prepare for the future
as well as protect the earth's atmosphere by finding out how to produce and
use Eco-fuels......

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