Economics Freedom: An Unfair Price Research Proposal

Total Length: 360 words ( 1 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 1+

Making the punishment for such offenses an inability to access the Internet, however, begins to deprive citizens of their rights. The Internet may hold access to illegal movies and music, but it also holds a wealth of information, including blogs, news, educational information, and personal information. Depriving a person of the use of the Internet is essentially depriving him or her of access to libraries, to free speech, and to freedom of information.

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People who steal money from houses are not barred from living in them, nor are those who steal books forbidden from libraries. The punishment for copyright crimes via the Internet should be the same as these crimes have ever been, a fine. If one person steals another's property, the thief should have to pay; he or she should not be deprived of the right of speech and information......

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"Economics Freedom An Unfair Price", 21 April 2009, Accessed.1 June. 2024,