Education Is the Creation of the Whole Term Paper

Total Length: 336 words ( 1 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 0

Education is the creation of the whole person through a synthesis of ideas. My evolving definition of education includes a rigorous investigation of classical liberal arts paradigms from Aristotle to Freud and everything in between. Through a synoptic reading of diverse texts during my course of study, I will be able to offer suggestions on curriculum design and modification. However, my focus will be on Western and European perspectives and points-of-view. This is largely because I feel we should draw heavily on the culture in which we are already immersed; self-understanding begins with an understanding of context, place, and space.

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The hallmark of my research will be the content of humanitarian disciplines and especially the status of religious studies in a liberal arts program. If religious studies do have a place in modern academics, then the question of how religion should be taught is of particular significance. The debate over religion in education is of particular relevance in the United States today, which is why my research could….....

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