Education From Grade School to Essay

Total Length: 597 words ( 2 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 1

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Therefore, formal education serves a number of purposes that can help a person succeed.

However, life experience can be as valuable as formal education and in fact is just as necessary. A person cannot learn everything in school. There are some lessons that cannot be taught in the classroom. The best example is traveling. A person can only learn about other cultures when traveling. Reading about other cultures offers some helpful background information and facts about the language and history. However, no amount of formal education about a culture can teach someone what it feels like to interact with people from that society. Another example of why life experience is just as important as formal education is interpersonal communications. In school students meet many people from different backgrounds but cannot socialize in the classroom. Their social interactions take place after school. Students of all ages need to learn proper behaviors, etiquette, and body language.
Communication is not taught well in school because social interactions need to take place in a natural environment in the same way students need to learn about cultures directly from traveling. Finally, life experience can be just as important as formal education experience for finding work. A resume includes more than just a person's grades.

Ideally, formal education and life experience go together and the individual chooses what to take from each of them. A student who does poorly in school still has the chance to succeed if he or she gains a lot of life experience. A person with little life experience and lots of schooling might be able to find a great job. However, the best way to combine formal and informal education is by trying as hard as possible to learn and grow….....

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