Education Intellectual Property Almost Every Thesis

Total Length: 612 words ( 2 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 3

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Each institution must have an acceptable use policy for access to all systems including the Internet/World Wide Web. This policy must include provisions for:

protecting the confidentiality of students protecting intellectual property rights, licensing agreements and legal/ethical standards for sharing of resources with other educational entities upholding the integrity of systems, programs and information resources

The duties and responsibilities to carry out this policy are placed upon institutions, IT officials, and instructors (District Technology Plans: Essential Components and E-Rate Plan Criteria, n.d.).

The Florida policies do a good job in making sure that each institution has a policy in regards to intellectual property.

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It deals with protecting the use rights of the systems that are being used in the course of distance learning along with student confidentiality. This is an advantage to both the institution and the individual student. What this policy does not address is how reasonable technological measures can be used to prevent distance learners from retaining copyright materials beyond class applications and distributing them. Another aspect that needs to be changed is that of how the instructors will be held liable for the distribution of materials to only those enrolled in the class......

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"Education Intellectual Property Almost Every", 27 January 2010, Accessed.3 June. 2024,