Education Policy State by State Outcomes Essay

Total Length: 692 words ( 2 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 2

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This comparative analysis contrasts Rhode Island and Florida, on the one hand, with South Carolina on the other. Variables used in the comparative analysis include political culture, geography, voting policies, citizen referendums, and policy outcomes.

II. Comparative Analysis: State

Political Culture

Political culture refers to norms, attitudes, and beliefs “about the functions and expectations of the government,” (“State Political Culture,” n.d.). Demographics have a strong bearing on political culture, as political culture is often an extension of other cultural variables. The most common model for classifying American political cultures is the Elazar model. The Elazar model proposes three types of political culture: the moralistic, individualistic, and traditionalistic. Using the Elazar model, South Carolina and Florida are classified as traditionalistic, whereas Rhode Island is classified as individualistic (“State Political Culture,” n.d.).

Geographic Areas

According to the United States Census, as of 2010, Rhode Island is less than ten percent rural in terms of population. Just over 60% of Rhode Island’s total land mass is classified as rural too. One-third of South Carolina’s population, on the other hand, is rural, and 92% of the state’s total area is rural. Florida is more similar to Rhode Island in that less than ten percent of the population lives rurally, but 86% of the land mass is rural.

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Citizen Initiatives

Neither South Carolina nor Rhode Island offer citizens initiative rights, and Florida only offers initiatives for amendments to state constitution (“States with Initiative or Referendum,” (n.d.).

Policy Outcomes

State by state comparisons can be made in the ways different states performed after educational policies were passed. For example, the Department of Education (2011) shows how South Carolina, Rhode Island, and Florida are all roughly even in terms of actual student outcomes after the implementation of specific educational policy.

III. Comparative Analysis: Policy

Focusing more specifically on the policy problem of teacher shortages, the state-by-state comparison yields important information about how geography and political culture affect policy outcome.

Political Culture

States will propose different strategies for dealing with teacher shortages, depending on their political culture. Florida, for example, is offering stipends for teachers who are willing to fulfill certain specific shortage areas (Quinton, 2017). However, Florida may be one of the states reducing the qualifications needed to teach in order to address the shortage (Learning Policy Institute, n.d.). Rhode Island has been granting….....

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