The Effects & Impacts of the Patriot Act Research Paper

Total Length: 177 words ( 1 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 20

WAR ON TERROR LEGISLATION 2War on Terror LegislationThere are many costs when it comes to the war on terror. Some of those costs are easy to measure and quantify. Some of the others are difficult to impossible to quantify. Just a few examples of both would include civilian loss of life, military loss of life, military equipment usage or loss, the cost of the legislation that comes along with the War on Terror (e.g. The Patriot Act), the cost of doing nothing and so forth. In defining the problem at hand with those costs and projecting or measuring the same, this report shall look at a number of angles including a broad overview, the root causes of the problems and issues at hand, the impacts of events that have happened and prior decisions made and so forth.

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While this report and its analysis shall include only two pieces of legislation, that is more than enough to fill out the debate that needs to occur and the questions that need to be asked......

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