Electronic Medical Record EMR Ventors Research Paper

Total Length: 480 words ( 2 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 2

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records are being replaced with electronic records in all fields. This is especially important in the medical field, where stores information is useful when a patient or doctor must access it in seconds. Computerized systems, however, have not achieved the same degree of utilization in the medical field as in other business fields, for instance, either in the Western world or elsewhere.[footnoteRef:1] However, as mentioned above, these systems can be vitally important. According to some, "Electronic medical record systems lie at the center of any computerized health information system. Without them other modern technologies such as decision support systems cannot be effectively integrated into routine clinical workflow. The paperless, interoperable, multi-provider, multi-specialty, multi-discipline computerized medical record, which has been a goal for many researchers, healthcare professionals, administrators and politicians for the past 20+ years, is however about to become reality in many western countries.

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"[footnoteRef:2] Thus, though there are problems, these systems are very important and are provided by various vendors. In an aim to understand this better and see just how these systems can function, and contribute to aiding a patient, it is important to see who provides them. For this reason, this paper will focus on a description of the top ten EMR vendors. [1: Electronic Medical Records. (2011). No Author. Open Clinical. Retrieved October 30, 2011, from .] [2: Electronic Medical Records. (2011). No Author. Open Clinical. Retrieved October 30, 2011, from .]

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"Electronic Medical Record EMR Ventors", 30 October 2011, Accessed.10 June. 2024,