Elmer Gantry Although Sinclair Lewis Penned His Essay

Total Length: 618 words ( 2 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 1

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Elmer Gantry

Although Sinclair Lewis penned his satiric novel Elmer Gantry in 1927, many of the issues raised by the book are still relevant today. The title character uses the institution of religion and the American evangelical revival of the early 20th century as a means of making money. Gantry is just as cynical as a corrupt politician or banker. After deciding not to become a lawyer, Gantry instead turns to evangelism, although he has no compunction about womanizing, drinking, lying, and stealing. Evangelical tent revivals are 'big business' at the time and Gantry has contempt for those who actually believe in the snake oil he is selling. His powerful and magnetic persona encourages people to believe in him, even while he laughs behind his back.

The main 'romance' of the book is between Gantry and a female evangelist named Sharon Falconer who is equally corrupt as Gantry. Gantry supports her ministry. Gantry radiates a charisma and sexual attraction that his pious followers cannot admit, even to themselves, draws them to him: "His sanctifying ordination, or it might have been his summer of bouncing from pulpit to pulpit, had so elevated him that he could greet them as impressively and fraternally as a sewing-machine agent.

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He shook hands with a good grip, he looked at all the more aged sisters as though he were moved to give them a holy kiss "(Lewis 99). Gantry is selling both sex and salvation, and Sharon is similarly charismatic.

The seamless blend between success in business, religion, and even athleticism in American popular culture is all manifested in Gantry's career. Gantry is presented as a true 'American success story,' on the fact that a man like Gantry can succeed in America is shown to be a deficit in the American system of supposed meritocracy, rather than an asset. Gantry can manipulate people's hearts….....

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