Employment Prospects for an Employee Term Paper

Total Length: 457 words ( 2 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 2

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The average annual earnings of these managers in May 2004 were $92,570. According to the website 'Salary expert,' an Information Systems manager working in New York/New Jersey area can earn an average annual salary of $185,103 per year. Although this salary may seem quite large, the cost of living and purchasing power of this salary in the area must be factored into the salary. Simply to live in this area of high rents, sales taxes, and property taxes requires bearing additional expenses. Secondly, this affluent area boasts many top graduates from major universities who can command top salaries.

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The number of companies in the area that need such specialists also creates a more competitive market from a demand side, and drives up the price of this type of labor. In contrast, for a person in the same employment in Youngstown Ohio such an executive would earn an average annual salary of $111,183 per year, as living costs are less prohibitive and demand on the part of companies is less strong.


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