Energy Crisis of 1973 in Term Paper

Total Length: 375 words ( 1 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 2

It would be critical in the power dynamic of the global community to demonstrate that the U.S. would not panic in the face of bullying pressure by OPEC. A realist might also suggest further exploiting sources of oil within the United States' own borders, to make it less dependent upon the whims of other nations and more self-sufficient.

An idealist, however, would instead suggest that the U.S. had a moral obligation to help Israel, and to find other renewable sources of energy to reduce the power of these immoral, terrorist-supporting nations in the world community.
To do so, an idealist would suggest the U.S. make investments in wind energy, solar power, and even nuclear power. An idealist would also encourage the average United States consumer to conserve energy through price controls, limits on car size, fuel efficiency requirements, and public relations efforts that stressed it was every American's patriotic duty to conserve oil and energy.


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