English Literature Achilles & Hector: Essay

Total Length: 1035 words ( 3 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 3

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Achilles is the most prominent character and hero of The Iliad. He is the pride of the Greek army, having nearly god-like capability on the battlefield. His mother was to have been a nymph and his father, a king. Both Hector and Achilles are of notable and prestigious births. Achilles killed a plethora of Trojans over the course of the war, and one of his most notable duels was with Hector, where Achilles, firmly having the upper hand, slices Hector's heels and begins a humiliation of his body that lasts for days after Hector is dead. Ironically, later Paris, Hector's brother, kills Achilles by shooting him in his heel, his only known spot of weakness, which is where the euphemism, "Achilles' heel" comes from. Achilles was capable of great rage and power during battles, and sometimes Achilles could not be adequately calmed by those around him, or even events that might go in his favor. The rage of Achilles is a central aspect to the overall narrative of The Iliad. Hector always fought in the war, despite his fundamental disagreement of Troy's involvement in the war. There are times that Achilles' feelings keep him from participating in the fight, and it is his feelings again that brings him back into the war, such as the case when he hears the news of Patroclus' death, a dear friend.
Upon hearing this news, Achilles decides to rejoin the battle after having briefly refused to fight earlier. Before returning to battle, Achilles' mother visits him and brings him new armor made by Hephaestus, the shield in particular, Homer spends much attention to in its description.

Both Hector and Achilles are amazing warriors and both are tragic characters in that they are doomed to die. Both warriors have a great triumph that is shared: that they did battle with each other. Hector's tremendous fight against Achilles is admired and respected, and that Achilles finally kills Hector is the only way his participation in the epic battle between incredible warriors could be more admired and respected than Hector's. Achilles seems to have a greater sense of self and a stronger attachment to his self-worth as it relates to his war victories than Hector. This does not mean both men were not self serving at times because they were. The differences between the two men are both great and subtle, but in the opinion of this paper is that the most distinguishing difference between them is Achilles' inability to exercise self-control. The men loved and lost, friends, family, and others, yet Hector was more dignified and control. The difference is not a way to show favoritism toward either man, simply the product of interpretation......

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