Modern Society and Security Essay

Total Length: 1208 words ( 4 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 1

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One of the most important aspects for enhancing security is perimeter protection, which is regarded as a significant component for residential, industrial, public/private, and commercial areas. The significance of perimeter protection in security is also demonstrated that the defense of an organization commences at the perimeter. As a result, there are several perimeter protection systems that are available in the security market. The concept of perimeter protection is also related to several important elements including the outer defense, internal and external security concerns, and access control. This paper will examine each of these components in relation to perimeter protection as an important aspect of enhancing security.

The Outer Defense

Physical security is considered as one of the important elements of perimeter protection, particularly with regards to the outer defense. Fischer, Halibozek & Walters (2013) define physical security as the measures undertaken by a facility to protect itself against security threats/attacks and various kinds of disasters. In this case, a facility refers to a building, plant, institution, office, and industrial/commercial structures. In light of the modern security threats/attacks, physical security has emerged as an important aspect towards ensuring the safety of a building regardless of whether its utilized for residential, commercial, public or private, and industrial purposes.

Based on its definition, physical security is strongly related to perimeter protection because it's the first basic defense towards the physical protection of a facility. Actually, planning for physical security incorporates several activities including development of perimeter protection. In this regard, planning for physical security entails safeguarding the grounds around the building, the perimeter of the building, and the interior/contents of the building. Additionally, physical security relates to perimeter protection on the basis that it commences at the perimeter, which is the first line that an intruder must be cross to carry out any security attack (Fischer, Halibozek & Walters, 2013).

Natural and structural barriers play an important role in perimeter protection in relation to physical security. Natural and structural barriers are defined as components that define boundaries and utilized to deter penetration or unauthorized access by any intruders (Fischer, Halibozek & Walters, 2013). These elements relate to perimeter protection on the premise that they establish boundaries that are in turn utilized as the premise for deterring penetration and/or unauthorized entry or access. When designing physical security elements, natural and structural barriers are taken into consideration to help enhance a building's protection. Therefore, natural and structural barriers play an important role in planning for basic physical security protection.

Internal and External Security Concerns

In cases where the building forms part of the perimeter barrier, the building must be examined in terms of its strengths as part of the initiatives to enhance perimeter protection and guarantee physical security. When the building is part of the perimeter barrier, it should be viewed in the same manner as the other parts of the barrier. Therefore, the building should be assessed in similar manner to the outer structural barrier. However, there are important considerations to make in such situations as part of determining how to secure the perimeter.

One of these considerations for determining how to secure the building when it forms part of the perimeter barrier is the strength of the building's windows and doors. The strength of windows must be considered in determining how to secure the perimeter when the building is part of the perimeter barrier because windows are sometimes ready targets for intruders because of the ease with which they can be entered. In this regard, enhancing the strength of the windows helps in enhancing the security of….....

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