Environment Is an Important Factor Essay

Total Length: 556 words ( 2 double-spaced pages)

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The Corporate social responsibility (CSR) of companies demands their involvement in global issues such as air and water pollution. They can promote their organization by demonstrating how their products aid in protecting the environment. Companies are taking additional measures by getting their products certified of being eco-friendly in order to maintain their position in the race with others. This helps in improving their reputation which is a necessity for future success. Adherence to International Environmental standards such as the ISO 14000 series guide companies towards achieving their environmental goals. Certification boards conduct checks on their standards before they can use these to expand their market reach. The consumers nowadays tend to stay away from products which can potentially harm their environment or those which cannot be recycled. Companies align themselves to their line of thought by presenting themselves as being receptive to the needs of the environment.

There are some companies which use the environmental concerns of customers as a marketing strategy without making sure that their products are eco-friendly enough. The make use of intelligent advertising campaigns which portrays a false image of whatever they want to sell. The success of most companies relies on the consumer purchasing patterns. Using such deceptive methods can result in dire consequences if consumers discover that they had been victims of a scam. Mass boycott movements against such companies can lead to their downfall. Genuinely organized eco-friendly campaigns can help companies gather a lot of profits. Consumers are ready to buy such products, even if they are higher priced and aid in their promotion….....

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