Epilepsy in Spite of the Thesis

Total Length: 680 words ( 2 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 2

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Until the early twentieth century Epilepsy was believed to be contagious, but matters gradually calmed down and it became clear that it had been a disease just like any other.

The medication that doctors prescribe to a person that has Epilepsy cannot cure the disease, as they only control it and lessen the number of seizures that the respective person has. Seizures are attacks experienced by someone having neurological disorders caused by several factors which weaken the body. Epileptic seizures are far worse and only a slight impulse is enough for an epileptic to experience them again. The number of epileptic seizures experienced by a person with Epilepsy can vary from just a few attacks per year to several hundred attacks per day. There is more than one type of seizure and while some are somewhat mild, others are extremely violent and can become even deadly.

Besides receiving a medication for their conditions, sick people can also go to surgery. Operation is the only method effective enough to help people escape the symptoms of epilepsy. However, the disease can return in some cases with minor epileptic seizures occurring. There is a great risk when concerning surgery meant to cure epilepsy, as doctors virtually have to remove a part of the brain that is causing the problems. When experiencing a seizure, a person needs to be restrained in order for them not to injure themselves or others (if they are driving, for example). A normal attack only lasts a few minutes, and, in case it lasts longer or the patient shows signs of having another seizure after the first, people should immediately seek medical help.


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