Ergonomics the Relation of Ergonomics and Anthropometric Research Paper

Total Length: 359 words ( 1 double-spaced pages)

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The relation of Ergonomics and Anthropometric Methods & Health Care setting design

Four (4) Main Parts of Research Methods and Design in Ergonomics:

Research relationship with people's study (theory and hypothesis)

Site selection and sampling decisions (setting and population)

Data collection methods (survey, measurements)

Data analysis types and techniques (statistical analyses)

Three (3) different research methods


Can be qualitative or quantitative

Descriptive statistics tell "what is,"

Different from using inferential statistic

Pure fact, no relationships between cause, effect

Assess magnitude or scope of problem and suggest i

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deas for future research


Manpulaton of varables

Scentfc Method

Use to determne causal relatonshp or sgnfcant correlatonal relatonshp


Shares elements n common wth expermental and descrptve

Examnes system or product

Descrbes relatonshp between subject and the system/product

Research wth regards to ergonomcs n health care envronment: Keyponts

Case1: The Role of Qualtatve Methods n Desgnng Health Care Organzatons

Hosptals not always desgned wth ergonomcs n mnd

Need more research

Case 2: The physcal envronment of the person wth Alzhemer's dsease

Behavoral observatons very helpful as a research.....

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"Ergonomics The Relation Of Ergonomics And Anthropometric", 26 November 2012, Accessed.2 June. 2024,