Ethical Egoism Essay

Total Length: 383 words ( 1 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 0

Ethical egoism unsatisfactory moral theory; important corrective ethics -sacrifice. Briefly relate ethical egoism, defended Ayn Rand, ethics -sacrifice, presented Carol Gilligan's stage moral development.

Philosophy commentary

1st thread

Conventional morality tends to prioritize self-sacrifice as the ideal, particularly for females. However, the valorization of self-sacrifice can be taken too far -- Gilligan's theory of gender-based moral development seems to suggest that it is 'natural' for girls to prioritize harmony over objective ethical systems, even over their own welfare or personal sense of morality. For women to feel as though they have the right to pursue an education, to be competitive, and to have equal rights in the workplace and at home they must believe they have a certain intrinsic moral right to realize their personal goals.
Too much self-sacrifice can result in codependency or supporting other people to the point that others take advantage of the person who is giving everything in an uncritical fashion. Thus emphasizing self-sacrifice too much can result in a loss of the meaningful creative contributions of women who instead expend their energies as helpers rather than seeking to shine in their own right. Also,….....

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