Ethical Principles to Saint Leo Research Proposal

Total Length: 1719 words ( 6 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 2

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Furthermore, the University's core values place an emphasis on development and learining. While the APA ethics statement is certainly not devoid of this requirement, as it asks for psychologists to continue their education and keep up-to-date on their understanding of subjects, the major theme in the APA's statement is an ethics violation free environment. The university's motivation, however, lies in the number of requirements that call for students to be engaged in community, honest learners, and those committed to their task of learning.

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Thus, by comparing these two documents, one can quickly understand how the organizations as a whole are both similar and different. First, both share many of the same values. Second, both discuss community and its importance. Third, both discuss the importance of academic honesty. Thus, they are organizations that deal with academics and a diverse background. Their differences, however, lay primarily in the foundation of the morals, for the university, Christianity, and the detail with which the issues are addressed......

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