Ethical Standards in Healthcare and Law Essay

Total Length: 614 words ( 2 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 3

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Health Care System

health care system received a boost with the introduction of the ObamaCare Medical Insurance Scheme. In this scheme, American citizens are given a chance to access high-quality medical care at a cheaper rate than before. In this scheme, the government has chipped in to subsidize the cost of medication to all the medical facilities in the country (Stavans, 2010). With the introduction of the Medicare program, more people can now access medication. This has translated to an increased health status in the country. Consequently, the life span in the country has gone up.

Given the state of health care in the U.S. currently, there is no need to have an improvement or additional measures. The present status is much appropriate. They are sufficient and meet the desired need. In the American medical program, there are enough medical facilities to meet the need. Americans also encounter a condition where they can access medication at any time they wish. Technological advancements have seen the sector grow in the areas of research, diagnostics and treatment. In the same case, the government has instituted measures to streamline the process of medication (Kuriansky, 2011).

Critical thinking

When I joined college, I met a valuable friend.

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The relationship was built and enhanced by the fact that there was a commonality in the course studied. The course similarity brought us together and before long, we had managed to be entangled together. Some of the elements of engagement made the relationship unhealthy. One factor that made the relationship unhealthy was the issue of individualism. Every one of us was interested in securing personal gain at the expense of common gain. There was a desired motive to outshine each other. In this case, each member was not willing to sacrifice personal comfort to address the concerns of the other. A good relationship is one where each of the partners is willing to go an extra mile to make the other happy without minding the other (Kuriansky, 2011). It is also possible to have a good relationship when personal interests do not cloud communal interests. In this case, people mus cultivate selflessness so that their relationships can work.

The culture in the law fraternity

Lawyers are a very cultured group. They operate under strict rules and operate under some professional code of ethics that guide them to achieve their set targets. Lawyers operate under….....

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