European Parliament Term Paper

Total Length: 455 words ( 2 double-spaced pages)

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European Parliament is the representative assembly of the European Union (EU) and the only body that is directly elected through universal suffrage by the citizens of its member states. The institution was first created in 1952 when it was known as the 'Common Assembly' and initially represented the European Coal and Steel Community. Later other institutions such as the European Economic Community (EEC) were formed that eventually merged and became known as the European Union. The 'Common Assembly' also expanded to act as the representative body for these institutions and was renamed as the European Parliament in 1987. ("The European Parliament: historical background;" "The European Parliament"-Encarta)

The role of the European Parliament (EP) within the EU is limited as compared to the more powerful legislative and executive branches of the EU -- the European Commission and the Council of the European Union.
While the EP has the powers to dismiss the European Commission, it cannot appoint individual commissioners and must accept or reject a proposed commission as a whole. It also has some limited budgetary powers and determines only a small fraction of the EU budget but can theoretically reject the whole budget. In recent times, co-decision on legislation has enhanced the European Parliament's powers and its influence is more evident in areas of EU activity such as the Common Foreign and Security Policy, police and judicial….....

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