European Union the Concept of Essay

Total Length: 323 words ( 1 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 0

In fact, it is some of these same benefits that have these Europeans bothered. Some argue that it is an attempt to erase a sense of national identity. Open borders, free trade, and a single-currency do serve to blur the distinction between different countries, and the reduction of nationalism was in fact a part of the intention of the EU. It was hoped that diplomatic relations, which necessitate a better understanding of each other's culture, would replace the destructive warfare that was often the result of nationalism.

Other objections to the EU are more pragmatic. The financial redistribution that makes the single-currency and free trade systems fair for everyone also mean that some of the wealthier nations are providing more assistance and receiving less of the benefits. This argument, to, has some merits, although the benefits are supposed to remain invisible --….....

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