Is Evolution Progressive Does It Follow a Predetermined Biological Pathway From Simple to More Complex? Essay

Total Length: 702 words ( 2 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 5

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The general assumption is that the term evolution suggests that change is always progressive and follows a course of going from simple to complex. But actually this is not true. In the broadest sense of the term evolution merely refers to change and so galaxies, societies, customs, languages, etc. all change (Gould, 2002). In effect, it is well-known that the theory of evolution when applied to the changes of a galaxy or of a star such as our sun predicts an increase in the randomness over time and not an increase in complexity (Hansen, Kawaler, & Trimble, 2004). The sun for example will extinguish one day and become a black dwarf or black hole (Hansen, Kawaler, & Trimble, 2004).

In general when people speak of "evolution" they are speaking of biological evolution which can be defined as the change in the properties of populations of living organisms that occur over long periods of time that surpass the lifetime of any single organism (Futuyma, 2005). The changes in the populations of animals or other organisms that are considered evolutionary consist of those types of changes that are passed on via heredity from one generation to the next. Biological evolution can consist of very slight changes in a population to very substantial changes in the population (Futuyma, 2005).

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It is important to note that individuals are not the focus of evolutionary changes, but that entire populations or genera and species are the focus of biological evolution. According to the most contemporary accepted definitions/theory of biological evolution the mechanism for producing evolution is twofold: random genetic mutations combined with an environmental aspect known as natural selection (Wu & Lin, 2006). These genetic mutations consist of random changes in alleles of the population (Carroll, 2006). Natural selection is the mechanism that decides whether such random changes in the genetic material of a specific population survive, as natural selection acts as a type of sieve which leads to the genetic mutations that can adapt to environmental conditions to continue to be expressed, whereas genetic mutations that are not beneficial for the survival of the organism….....

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