Ex-Fbi Employee's Case Raises New Essay

Total Length: 454 words ( 2 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 2

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S. policy regarding limiting numbers from rising too high. Although around 2,000 refugees in Iraq arrive in the United States per year, there have been many denials. What Pincus points out is that the policy regarding dealing with these refugees is improving to better help provide them a safe environment.

This improved policy on immigration of war refugees coming out of Iraq will most defiantly disperse this group within a wider spectrum of the population. This dispersion will also spread the real life stories of those refugees who actually lived in the war zone, thousands of miles from American soil. Here is where Hamid's opinions start to take over.

Mohsin Hamid would definitely explore this topic as a way for ignorant Americans to get a first hand account of U.S.
foreign policy. Increasing numbers of war refugees will bring a new face, much more real; to the war on terror which most Americans feel little connection too. More refugees leads to increased chances of the average American coming into contact with someone who can give them information unfiltered through the American media. This information could possibly lead to a better understanding of the types of policies Hamid describes Americans as….....

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