Exposure to Medicine Have Only Term Paper

Total Length: 560 words ( 2 double-spaced pages)

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The patient was able to discontinue taking pain killing medications after only a few treatments.

I have also come to realize the importance of the psychological and social aspects of treatment in addition to the traditional physical aspects. In traditional medicine, these issues are handled by distinct specialists, while I believe they should also be considered in tandem during medical treatment. I believe that a patient's mental state can affect how well the patient responds to medical treatment and their ability to follow their physician's recommendations.

While professionals in medical care are responsible for their patient's health, the patients themselves are ultimately in the best position to take responsibility for their own well being. This is why I appreciated the role of the D.O. In educating patients about the external factors that affect their health such as the environment, stress, exercise and diet. In this way, patients can take a more proactive role in achieving and maintaining their own health.
Although disease prevention and health promotion are just as important as disease treatment, traditional medicine concentrates too much on the later.

Treating preventive medicine as a specialty or leaving it to the patient's self-discovery isn't nearly as effective as integrating it into routine medical practice.

My volunteer work at the hospital has taught me that the medical profession should embrace all options that can offer better health care for the patient. Because I view the D.O. As the medical role that best integrates traditional medicine and holistic care practices, I am seeking admission to your program and am anxiously awaiting your decision......

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