Facebook Web Presence Analysis Essay

Total Length: 1475 words ( 5 double-spaced pages)

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Organizational Social Web Presence

Social media are virtual organizations that foster and encourage interactions among members allowing them posting personal and company information, connect and communicate with other users. Major social media are Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Youtube, Google+, and Whatsapp's. In most cases, frequently interactions with other users make the network interactions becoming stronger, and the social media allow users to communicate through the message, weblogs, music and video stream.

The objective of this paper is to investigate how Facebook as an example of a major social achieving competitive market advantages.

Key Elements of Facebook Web Strategy

Facebook is the U.S. for-profit organization providing the social networking and social media services. Based in California, Facebook was launched in 2004, and initially, Facebook only allowed the Harvard students to access the website. Gradually, Facebook supported other students from other universities in the United States. Since 2016, Facebook allowed users aged 13 above to register on the website. Since 2010, the number of Facebook's registered users continue to increase, and presently, the social media penetration has increased and there is an estimation that there are 2.7 billion active social media users in 2016. However, the Facebook is the leader of the social media with more than 1.79 billion active users monthly with an increase of 16% active users yearly.

Many companies have taken the advantages of social media to achieve competitive market advantages. For example, Nike Inc. has taken the advantages of the key elements in the Facebook to achieve competitive market advantages. Nike Inc. is a multinational corporation specializing in design, production, and marketing of apparel, footwear, accessories, equipment and services. Headquartered in Oregon in the United States, the company has taken the advantages of social media such as Facebook to create global awareness for their products. Typically, Nike is taking the advantages of a key element in the Facebook to achieve the company objectives. For example, Nike has launched its website in the Facebook posting their logo on the Facebook.
Thus, the Facebook has assisted the company in sharing video, photos, information about their products and services.

In September 2016, Facebook recorded 1.18 billion active users daily, however, approximately 84.9% of Facebook daily active users are outside the United States and Canada. Facebook generates its revenue from the advert launched by users such as business organizations, governments and individuals. In 2014, Facebook reported $3.2 billion total revenue and increased by 59% between 2013 and 2014. In 2014, Facebook generated over $2.96 Billion by allowing users to advertise their product and services. Since Facebook active users increase yearly, the company total revenues also increase. For example, the company recorded the net income of $2.94 billion at the end of 2014 fiscal year, however, the net income increased to $3.68 billion at the end of 2015 fiscal year. However, an increasing number of non-web applications are serving as an alternative to Facebook. For example, the smartphone is increasingly being used to chat and provide some other functions that Facebook offers. Moreover, the Chatsim application assists users to chat and send message free of charge without the internet.

Despite an increase in the non-web presence, Facebook is still a leader in the social media business. The target market includes business organizations, and governments. Moreover, Facebook appeals to users aged 35 and above. In 2015, 72% of American adults are connected to Facebook. Facebook also targets people aged between 18 and 29 because 79% of them use the Facebook. Moreover, 64% of people between 50 and 64 use Facebook, while 48% of people aged 65 and older use Facebook. Thus, Facebook targets virtually all age group above 18 years of age. However, the company targets middle-aged group than other categories of the population because this segment is the most active group of the U.S. population and earning monthly incomes. However, the current customer base for the Facebook is in the United States and outside the United States with the active users continues to increase since 2008. By October.....

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Bonchek, M., & Choudary, S.P. (2013). Three Elements of a Successful Platform Strategy. Harvard Business Review.

Investopedia (2015). Who are Facebook's (FB) main competitors? Investopedia Inc.

Ingram, M. (2015). Facebook has taken over from Google as a traffic source for news. Fortune New.

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