Family to Attend and Graduate From College Application Essay

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family to attend and graduate from college I have a strong desire to succeed and work my way up in the corporate environment. While I currently work in the Human Resources department of a non-profit organization, it is my wish to eventually rise to the position of Director of Human Resources, either with the current organization or a different one. But my ambition is not limited to simply that position, from Director of Human Resources I would like to someday work my way into the position of Executive Director and possibly CEO of a company. However, as those plans lay in the future, my first step is to attend the MBA program at Indiana Tech. With my MBA from Indiana Institute of Technology, specializing as a Human Resource Specialist, or possibly a Management Analyst, I hope to gain a position in a company that will allow me to begin my upward climb.

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I believe is was during my tenure working for the Boys and Girls Clubs that I was first exposed to the department of Human Resources. While working there I helped to establish policies and procedures for the recruitment and hiring of personnel. I later personally performed the recruitment and hiring of staff as well as developed the staff training program. In my daily work I routinely interacted with customers and controlled customer service initiatives, directed team responsibilities, coordinated administrative activities such as staff supervision, development and grant maintenance. As a result of this experience, I am perfectly comfortable motivating and supervising culturally diverse workforces.

And while my current position with Lifeline Youth and Family Services is fulfilling, I feel that I have abilities and ambitions that reach beyond. But my experience in assisting clients in building skills in parenting, discipline, communication, problem solving, conflict resolution, self-sufficiency, personal….....

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