Family Therapy Family Therapist Dr. Essay

Total Length: 580 words ( 2 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 2

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Hence, Barker claims the trainees need some basic understanding of what causes dysfunction within families, and how to distinguish those families that are undergoing a temporarily destabilizing but time-limited crisis, from which they will reorganize and recover independently, from those families who are seriously dysfunctional and require therapeutic intervention.

More so, the training of therapists' trainees adopt some scientific model which help shape the boundaries of a discipline and set the agenda regarding the subject matter and methodology to be followed in seeking answers. If the individual is the unit analysis, clinical theories regarding human behavior are likely to emphasize internal events, psychic organization, intrapsychic conflict. Methodology in such a situation tends to be retrospective; explanations; tend to have a historical basis and seek our root causes from the past. Typically, they attempt to answer the question of why something occurred.

The family therapy trainees claim that Dr. Imber-Black (1988) is directing them to the larger social systems in which families are embedded. Besides, family therapist trainees claim that she provides them with useful guideless for conceptualizing and responding to the patterns that develop between families and public agencies. While others, particularly in the field of social work, have long paid attention to welfare, health, and other human services in meeting the needs of families, Imber-Black provides family therapy trainees with a meta-perspective, clearly defining the typical problems that develop between systems, as well as the ways that "helping" systems often contribute to the very problems they were established to solve. Dr. Imber-Black (1988) also examines the crucial issues of labeling, stigma, and secrets regarding families' relationships with larger systems. She.....

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