Federal and State Governments Effect Research Paper

Total Length: 659 words ( 2 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 1

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As a result, private schools will teach above and beyond the minimum state standards. Where, students will learn the basic subjects and then specialized skills that they can use later on in life. (Messerli, 2009)

The school vouchers program has its fair share of drawbacks the most notable would include: they are a violation of the separation of church and state. Because the majority of private schools are religious orientated, means that any kind of public funding that is used in these schools is a violation of this principal. This affects the overall education that students are receiving, because of the increased amounts of influence that religion will play in their education. (Messerli, 2009)

A second criticism that many opponents make about the school voucher program is: there is a lack of regulation for these types of schools. The public school system is highly regulated; this means that all standards for education are set by the state, to ensure that everyone is receiving a good education.

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At a private school, these standards do not apply. This means, that the overall quality of education could be worse, because there is no effective regulation of these schools. Once this takes place, an uneven standard of education is applied and the overall quality of education that is being received drops. (Messerli, 2009)

Clearly, the school voucher program has a number of different benefits and drawbacks. Yet, to fully understand how the different levels of government are funding such programs requires that you compare the merits and demerits of both. This will provide the greatest insights as to how the government is using such programs to fund public education. It is through examining this aspect of public education funding; that will provide the greatest insights as to how the world of education is constantly changing......

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