Federalist Paper #51 the Theory Behind Madison's Term Paper

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Federalist Paper #51

The theory behind Madison's Federalist Paper #51 is an acknowledgement that the "have-nots" in any society are extremely likely to seek retribution against the "haves," and, like Hamilton, believed class struggle is inseparable from politics. Positioning himself in this manner clearly shows that he had emancipated himself from the sterile dualistic view of society that was so common in the eighteenth century and that so obsessed Hamilton. However, wherein Hamilton viewed the shared spirit of the several states as poisonous to the union, Madison was aware that the preservation of state governments could serve the cause of both liberty and union and because of extreme vastness of the United States at that time this was the most steadfast way to preserve the union.

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It is interesting to note that the Federalist papers are unique as well because of the extreme amount of thought that was put into the design of the constitution, as shown in Madison's original thought process that were presented in the Federalist Paper #51 if not most, changes in institutional design, they usually occur as the reactions of shortsighted people to what they perceive as more-or-less short-range needs. What is most unusual about Madison, in contrast to the other delegates, is the degree to which he thought about the principles behind the institutions he favored. He practice the art of what today is termed institutional design, but he developed, as well, the outlines of a theory of institutional design that….....

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