Femicide Violence Against Women Essay

Total Length: 641 words ( 2 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 2

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Femicide: A Monster Lurking in the ShadowsSome, like Hackman, have called it a silent epidemic. Scores of women continue to be killed for no reason other than their gender. Yet, it appears that no spotlight is being shined upon this atrocity. Less than one year ago, it was Gabby Petito – who was murdered by her fiancée. At around the same time, Dr Shauna Witt’s ex-boyfriend was convicted of her murder four years earlier. How many more women will have to be killed for no mistake of their own before this issue is apportioned the attention it deserves? Ours appears to be just but a knee jerk reaction. We only show concern whenever the news media is awash with a sensational piece of yet another femicide. We all need to be concerned because the next victim could be someone close to us – perhaps a neighbor, aunt, sister, or even daughter!In the words of Offiong, femicide could be conceptualized as the “intentional murder of women because they are women.” It has been described as one of the worst kinds of gender-based violence. According to Hackman, there is also evidence that gendered violence, including femicide, is rather rampant in the U.S. Hackman indicates that what is even more worrying is that there is an even…

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…the assignment of gender roles.
With this in mind, I am convinced that there is need to challenge these beliefs and outlooks through various social efforts as well as educational programs. We should specifically target our children and youth to ensure that their perspectives about women are not improper. For instance, the relevance of teaching gender equality in education settings cannot be overstated. In addition to having in place structured education programs, education institutions could also seek to influence student gender perspectives by deploying ideal institutional gender practices and attitudes, i.e. by putting in place strategies to ensure an equal opportunity workplace......

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