Fetal Alcohol Syndrome Is One Term Paper

Total Length: 897 words ( 3 double-spaced pages)

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Again, growth deficiencies occur for many different reasons, and other causes must be ruled out. Central nervous system disorders in FAS can be significant and varied, and mimic other disorders. Diagnosis of FAS can be made on the basis of structural, neurological, or functional CNS disorders. Diagnosis of CNS deficits must also rule out other disorders that can co-exist with FAS, such as autism or oppositional defiant disorder (National Center on Birth Defects and Developmental Disabilities).

Perhaps the most important component in the procedure for the diagnosis of FAS is maternal alcohol exposure. However, this diagnosis can be difficult, as many mothers are reticent to admit that they used alcohol while pregnant. In addition, there is often little information available about alcohol use during pregnancy (National Center on Birth Defects and Developmental Disabilities).

Interventions for FAS are a diverse as the varied individuals and presentations of the disorder. As such, Miller suggests starting with a comprehensive, individualized, assessment to assess an individual's needs and capacities.

Perhaps the simplest and most effective intervention for FAS is prevention. Maternal education is especially important, as educating women about the dangers of alcohol during pregnancy will hopefully reduce maternal alcohol consumption, thus reducing the number of babies born with FAS. Public education programs play a key role in educating potential mothers of the dangers of alcohol during pregnancy.

A second intervention effective for FAS treatment is direct, tailored instruction in academic areas such as reading, math, and writing. Direct intervention in these key academic areas is required for FAS individuals to develop both fundamental and advanced skills in many areas as well as a growing understanding of abstract concepts (Miller).

An effective third intervention for the treatment of FAS is behavior management. An intervention using behavior management can be used for FAS individuals with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder and other attention disorders, for example. Specifically, concrete behavior management interventions like point systems and token economies are highly effective (Miller).

In conclusion, FAS is a serious and tragic disorder that is largely preventable. While diagnosis can be difficult, interventions can possible help prevent, or at least treat, FAS in many individuals......

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