Fire Technology Peer Reviewed Journal

Total Length: 803 words ( 3 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 2

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Fire Prevention Week from a Physical Educator's Perspective" by Richard D. Wetzel and Amrit Chima (2011)

The annual Fire Prevention Week observed in the United States represents a valuable opportunity for educators to highlight the need for remaining physical fit as well as the responsibilities that go hand in hand with being a citizen. Although offerings differ, many schools provide educational materials for use at home by students and their parents. For instance, the authors report, "Typically, conversations about fire prevention focus on safety measures and emergency procedures. Some teachers provide students with take-home worksheets on home safety or create assignments that include testing smoke alarms and planning emergency escape routes with their families" (Wetzel & Chima, 2011, p. 12). During school hours, though, the offerings are frequently much more exciting and engaging for young learners and provide opportunities for demonstrating the latest in firefighting technologies. In this regard, Wetzel and Chima add that, "At school, fire trucks and fire equipment are often displayed and children are allowed to explore them. There is also discussion about not being afraid of a firefighter dressed in protective clothing, equipment, and a breathing mask" (p. 12).

These types of offerings help make fire prevention awareness campaigns such as Fire Prevention Week more effective by making them exciting and relevant for young learners, but they also provide a corresponding benefit of helping raise awareness concerning the need for a physically fit lifestyle and the rigors that are involved in pursuing a career in firefighting.
For instance, with respect to civics instruction, Fire Prevention Week provides educators with a number of opportunities to provide young learners with current information about what it takes to become a first responder in the 21st century, including the physical fitness requirements and the choices that make up a healthy lifestyle. According to Wetzel and Chima, "By extending the focus of fire prevention to the physical education curriculum, students have an opportunity to deepen their awareness of important health and fitness concepts" (p. 13). Based on the foregoing, the authors provide a number of recommendations and use examples of K-12 fire technology-related programs that can be used to promote awareness and readiness in the 21st century classroom, issues that relate to the problem considered by these researchers which is discussed further below.

Statement of the Research Problem

Because resources are by definition scarce, Wetzel and Chima emphasize the need….....

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