Fitness for Women; Differences Between Term Paper

Total Length: 489 words ( 2 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 2

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The overall credibility of a research study is comparatively only by the amount of subjects it utilizes to draw its conclusions. The amount for this study is not very significant, and thus could derive a further conclusion that it merely covers a small populous as compared to a grander scaled survey of its like.

The key points to the article, such as the amount of television watched, are very insightful methods as to what contributes to the conclusions that are determined through the findings.

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Other key points that were considerably notable are the precise percentage differences in rural white girls and urban black girls that determined more favorable attitudes toward physical activity. This point conjures much of the development toward what can be assumed as a high reason of influence. Finally, the conclusion point that black girls were less active than white girls, despite the urban and rural factors is key to the overall dissection of the article......

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"Fitness For Women Differences Between", 30 August 2007, Accessed.1 June. 2024,