Five Core Values of Writer Term Paper

Total Length: 751 words ( 3 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 1

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The author of this brief report has been asked to offer a few words and answer a few personal questions about spirit. Within the confines of this report, three major questions will be answered and otherwise spoken to. First, there will be a listing and explanation of the five core values that the author this report holds important. In terms of the explanation, there will be a clarification as to how those values are fused with the spirituality of the author. There will be a reflection and discussion of how those values have been and could further be used for overall growth on a person and professional level in the future, Finally, there will be the use of an outside source used to supplement and cement what the author of this report holds to be true. While the firm and definitive values for many do tend to differ, the author of this report would name God, family, country, duty and honor.


As stated in the thesis statement of this report, the author's core five values are God, family, country, duty and honor. The author first cites God because God is the reason for all of us being and existing.
He is the "good" side of the good versus evil paradigm and the author of this report most certainly strives to be on the correct end of that battle. There is a lot of good in the world but there has been and will continue to be a lot of evil. Family is important to the author as well and it is certainly not limited to blood and relationships by marriage. The author of this report holds that family is defined more by loyalty, love and being there for each other rather than who one happens to be related to. The author also holds that this country as at the core of the author's spirituality because the author believes that this is a great country with great people, even if there has been a falling away from what once made us great. While the United States has certainly made improvements in things like racial relations, the way we fight wars and so forth, there are also some horrible national and local problems that persist and fester and the author tries to act through spirituality and doing the right thing to get things moving in the right direction in terms….....

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