Food Choices Food Politics: Would Essay

Total Length: 751 words ( 3 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 2

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S., " unlike the hormones used to speed growth in meat production, which "may be linked to breast cancer in women" (Foreman 2008:2).

Most studies have shown little difference between conventionally grown and organic produce, in terms of human health. However, one longitudinal, ten-year study by the University of California, Davis, compared the same strain of tomatoes grown with pesticides on conventional soil "right next to the same strain grown on soil that was certified organic. All plants were subject to the same weather, irrigation, and harvesting conditions…Organic tomatoes had more vitamin C and health-promoting antioxidants, specifically flavonoids called quercitin and kaemperfol - although researchers noted that year-to-year nutrient content can vary in both conventional and organic plants" (Foreman 2008:2).


There is compelling, albeit limited evidence that selecting organic meat and produce, and paying a few pennies more at the supermarket can have a demonstrable improvement upon human health.
While more research still needs to be done to assess the extent of the impact upon health and the environment by switching to organic, particularly with produce, there is growing evidence that the types of hormones used in conventional animal production can interfere with human's as well as animal's physical homeostasis and the use of intensive antibiotics may present the risk of antibiotic-resistant bacteria in the future. However, for truly cruelty-free meat, humanely raised chickens must be sought out, on local farms. Regarding produce, to reduce one's transportation carbon footprint, locally-raised as well as organically raised produce must be preferred......

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