Food Security How Do You Define Environmental Essay

Total Length: 870 words ( 3 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 3

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Food Security

How do you define environmental science?

Environmental science is defined by as, "the branch of science concerned with the physical, chemical, and biological conditions of the environment and their effect on organisms ("Environmental science," 2012)."

How does the relationship between science and technology affect environmental problems and solutions in today's society?

Science and technology have a profound impact on the problems and solutions of today's society. One such reason is that in order to enact environmentally friendly methods of sustainability, it must first be economically feasible for society in general. Society, at this point in human history does not have the necessary funding capacity to enact many of the environmental solutions currently available to civilization. For one, there is first an opportunity cost imbedded in the use of those solutions. For each dollar allocated to environmental solutions, there is a corresponding dollar taken away from other projects society deems as more important, including education and health care. Likewise, the issue of environmental sustainability is not a priority to the majority of society at is current price structure. We need only look to the acceptance of expensive solutions to energy such as wind, water, and solar power as evidence of this. Currently these forms of energy are indeed sustainable, but at their current price structure, they simply are too expensive for constrained governments and society to accept (Culver-Graybeal, 2012).

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As such, technology must be used to create cost efficient solutions that society can accept without putting undue burden on an already constrained capital system. Technology can also be used to create solutions that are viable for the long-term and are not susceptible to the short-term vicissitudes of climate change (wind and solar power). This technology will then be the catalyst needed to spawn mass acceptance and approval from civilization

Why is the concept of environmental sustainability important, and why should it be studied?

Environmental sustainability is very contentious issue in regards to capitalism and basic human desires. In many respects, unlike other commodities, the environment has many finite resources. Commodities such as Agriculture will also have an impact on many factors in the future. This is what makes the concept of environmental sustainability so important. At some point these finite resources will be unable to replenish themselves. Likewise, demand will be so overbearing that this resources will be used at an ever increasing rate. In order to mitigate the influence of these factors environmental sustainability will be required. For example, on such factor that environmental sustainability will impact is that of population growth. Currently our planet has capacity for only 50% increase in….....

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