Forensics Techniques- Forensics Developments Several Research Paper

Total Length: 624 words ( 2 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 2

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Such evidence could be invaluable in attributing criminal activity related to such a business to someone in particular.

Additionally, efforts were made in the United Kingdom to utilize aspects of saliva to aid in the usage of forensics for potential criminal investigations. Largely attributed to the vast numbers of attacks on truck drivers within Cardiff, drivers in that part of the world are now utilizing what is known as a "spit kit" so that they can retrieve a sample of saliva if it is exchanged during any sort of potential robbery or attack (Dobson 2011). The DNA garnered from this sort of methodology can prove very beneficial to forensics efforts in their attempts to find the attacker.

In terms of what the future for forensics DNA research and employment holds, it is more than likely that there will be a nearly universal adoption of the utilization of partial DNA matching and familial searching.

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The current president of the United States is making efforts to make it mandatory for all residents of America to have their DNA stored in a national database, in an effort to deter criminal activity and to ensure that it is easier to apprehend suspects who commit such illicit activities. Also, as of early 2011, "only 11 states continue to prohibit partial matching and familial searching altogether" (Dobson 2011). Chances are that in the very near future even this statistic will see a reduction, as more states adopt this practice......

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