Forward Recommendations to Redesign a Essay

Total Length: 2112 words ( 7 double-spaced pages)

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The human resources directorial position remains a core position in the company and because all organizations are out to draw, motivate, and even continue to own the best and performing employees to the company, in specific duties that they perform, the human resource director's position should always be part on the reward program in the pet industry. This will enable them get additional motivations, just like others, either junior or senior that they determine and organize for their rewarding. In addition, there should be a wide variety of rewarding top management, and this should include material things to bring diversity in the program that can add motivations to the director's position as well as separating salaries from other financial benefits (rewards) as well as other recognitions that can prove necessary (Employee Rewards and Incentives, 2010). This procedure opens the program so that the respective parties benefiting can truly feel the worthiness of the recognitions for jobs well done.

In the process of setting goals and strategizing, there should be regular meetings that allow adequate consultations so that decisions that have broad basis in their making are in place. In doing this, it eliminates chances of having policies and directives that may be of personal gains (Chaudron, n.d.). In addition, when the subordinates understand that their views are considerations in decision-making and setting goals, they feel much more as part of the organization and thus support the director in his/her efforts to make the company succeed.
Support here becomes a fundamental because top management cannot work on their own in the organization, their needs to be hierarchy system.

To ensure competency, there should be no exceptions in the qualifications for the position and thus the earlier given options of master's qualification and certification must remain compulsory factors during recruitment because there must be people who are more competent with all these requirements. Thus, there should be no compromise in recruiting the field human resource director to ensure success (Chaudron, n.d.).

In conclusion, because decision making in a key position in a company needs to be perfect, involving other stakeholders in decision-making makes sure these decisions have a broad perspective remaining realistic and positive for better returns. Key positions in a company such as the field human resource director position, needs to involve other stakeholders with proper communication as they might have important information that is vital in decision-making. In addition, to ensure motivation, a reward program that is separate from salaries with non-material items as rewards can motivate workers even better increasing returns. Finally, recruitment qualifications should not compromise the large number of jobseekers as this can affect the execution of the positions mandates that require excellent technical and leadership capabilities......

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