Freedom As a Person There Essay

Total Length: 373 words ( 1 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 0

For Freedom, this was in communications and in making people feel stronger and more confident, and seeking to maximize their potential. Freedom has a passion for potential and for not ever giving up on her goals. Freedom's family all have unique backgrounds, some have served in the armed forces, others have won awards for volunteering, and all of them see serving others as part of who they are. The Freedoms seek to make others feel stronger and as a result are very popular. They give people the strength to get to their dreams and get them unleashed from what holds them back. In a sense, the Freedom family makes it possible for people to become who they want to be by getting big obstacles out of their way. Some members of the Freedom family are also doctors and physicians, getting people well so they can have the freedom of health again too.
In summary, Freedom always looks young for her age and with friends Liberty and Love, make the world a much, much better place for….....

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