Gang Intervention Research Paper

Total Length: 726 words ( 2 double-spaced pages)

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Gang Violence Interventions: Pulling Levers Programs

Gang Intervention

Over two decades of studies have shown partnerships between institutions and communities are required for effective and sustainable interventions to reduce gang violence, but the majority of intervention strategies have taken a reactionary approach, such as increasing policing efforts without addressing the underlying causes of gang violence (Gebo, Boyes-Watson, and Pinto-Wilson, 2010, p. 166). The lack of investment cognitive-behavioral interventions is evident by the prevalence of poorly designed studies investigating the effectiveness of such strategies, which makes drawing conclusions about their value difficult if not impossible (Fisher, Gardner, Montgomery, 2008).

A popular intervention strategy, at least among the law enforcement community, is the 'pulling levers' strategy (Braga, 2008). This strategy is essentially a problem-oriented approach to policing that involves choosing a crime problem, assembling an interagency working group, conducting research on the offender population, and coming up with a list of possible responses (the levers). Efforts are also made to include social services and community resources, but the strategy remains primarily one of deterrence.

A Pulling Levers Case Study: Stockton, California

An in depth review of the effectiveness of a pulling levers campaign conducted in Stockton, California between 1997 and 2002 was undertaken by Braga (2008).
This pulling levers program focused exclusively on gang members involved in gun violence, rather than gang behavior per se. The strategy included confronting the suspected offenders and letting them know what sanctions would be forthcoming for continuing to engage in gun violence, while at the same time offering them a way out of gang life through social service programs. These social programs included drug treatment, education and vocational opportunities, and counseling (Braga, 2008, p. 341). Community involvement was primarily limited to gaining political support for engaging in more aggressive policing activities against these gang members.

The increased policing activities depended on stripping a few police units of their regular duties and assigning them to focus exclusively on these gang members. This allowed the officers to confront the gang members for any infraction, such as driving without a license or registration, drinking in public, or selling drugs (Braga, 2008, p. 334). These policing tactics sent a clear message that the….....

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