GDP, Retail Sales, and Pharmacy Term Paper

Total Length: 552 words ( 2 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 1+

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Pharmacy sales in the United States are positive with growth expected to increase 20% 2005-2008 according to data published by benefit management companies and a market intelligence firm. The rate of increase is lower than it has been in the past five years. Trends negatively impacting the market include consolidation, new store openings, increased mail order, drug importation, and the growth of generic pharmaceuticals. Further, if medicare covers prescription drugs at lower reimbursement levels, profitability of the industry could be adversely affected

Given that GDP and retail sales show moderate growth and that pharmacy sales have high growth potential, Walgreen represents a good investment opportunity.
Walgreen is the top drugstore chain in the United States and is will well prepared to come out ahead in an intensely competitive market to capture a huge portion of the growing market.


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