Genealogy America -- a Land Term Paper

Total Length: 1063 words ( 4 double-spaced pages)

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(Kim, 2000)

Thus, growing up with this confusion did not limit Scott's educational strivings, as Stanford is one of the leading American graduate universities in America! To channel his feelings about his often-reversed name, the designer imagined a couple different ways "to invert my own name," as a computer graphic to express what he saw as the creativity inherent in possessing a name that was frequently confused. American creativity and even American confusion became a positive for Scott Kim, as he used different ways of writing his name to create a creative computer graphic! The difficulties he experienced fitting in because of his easily flipped flopped name became a source of creativity, and Kim's graphic arts are highly esteemed in his profession and amongst his friends. He even designed a graphic for his own wedding of his name and his fiancee's name.

Another Korean named Bo-Young Kim takes a different point-of-view, writing that she believes that "the combination of a (rather common) last name and a (rather unique) first name works well to identify an individual person. So does my name I believe." The name Kim, Bo-Young Kim is aware, is a very common last name in Korea. "If there are any Korean people around you, it is likely that his or her last name is also KIM," she writes on her web page, in an effort to educate others.
but, she notes, "we are not related at all, as far as I know, I do not have relatives living here in the States whose last name is Kim," as she came to America to study alone. She notes, by way of explanation, "the name system in Korea is quite different from the one here as many other cultural things. There are only limited numbers of last names in Korea. There are some really rare ones, but we can recognize most of them as a Korean last name. In other words, it cannot be something new or never heard. It works like first name does here. Most of American's first names are chosen from some popular ones such as John, David, Tom, Kathy, and Lori etc. Of course, one's "last name cannot be chosen by oneself. Fortunately, Korean first names are very various, you can invent them as you like (commonly with two words) and that is what Koreans do." Kim is a professor of computer science and considers herself completely assimilated to her university culture of science, while still being a proud participant in Korean culture at the University of Amherst, where she works.


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