Genetic Science: Sickle Cell Anemia Term Paper

Total Length: 978 words ( 3 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 3

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Sickle cell anemia is among the highly prevalent diseases in the contemporary society. Sickle cell anemia is a disorder of the blood that is caused by the inheritance of the gene that alters the shape of the sickle cell. Therefore, the gene interferes with the working of hemoglobin in the movement of oxygen. The prevalence of the sickle cell anemia varies regarding the geographical position and the ethnic identity. In the United States, the sickle cell anemia is most prevalent among African Americans. The disease also shows a relatively higher prevalence of the disease in the Hispanics followed by the Whites. However, the prevalence also varies from one place to another in the United States (Lervolino et al. 2011).

Sickle cell anemia is a cancerous disease making it difficult to treat. However, various trends are involved in the diagnosis of the disease. The diagnosis of the disease involves a blood test for either a child or an adult. The blood test is used to determine whether an individual’s blood contains the hemoglobin S, which is defective. The test results are positive if the individual emerges to have the hemoglobin S. The doctor, therefore, carries out more tests such as the determination of the blood count of the patient (Mayo Clinic Staff, 2017). The diagnosis of the disease is consistent for patients of different ages. Undergoing diagnosis at earlier stages of the disease is an effective preventive. This can enhance the success of the bone marrow transplant. It also enables the patient to resort to alternative medical treatments, which prevents further infections in the body. An individual can seek a diagnosis for the disease following common signs and symptoms.

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Unfortunately, there are limited treatment options for the sickle cell anemia. The stem cell transplant is the only known treatment for the dangerous disease. However, the…

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…seriousness of the disease causes a considerable shock to the patient when they find out about the condition. It is essential to ensure that the patients accept the conditions and have the courage to advance to the next steps of treatment. Family helps to provide moral support to the patients. This helps them to stay strong and confident throughout the treatment process. In most cases, the family carters for all the expenses involving the diagnosis, treatment, and care for the patients. Since the disease is contracted since birth, the patients hardly get the chance to work hence depending on family (National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute, 2017). It is clear that the disease is inheritable. Therefore, most of the patients are not responsible for the health condition, although there is little they can do to remedy. The support of the family helps to prevent issues such as depression, which is a serious risk for the….....

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