Genre Over the Last 60 Term Paper

Total Length: 850 words ( 3 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 3

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In this aspect, the show is reflecting the cultural norms of the woman staying home, to take care of the family. ("Job Switching") in the episode of Love is all around, Mary is seeking to become her own woman, by leaving Bob and making it on her own in Minneapolis. ("Love is all Around") This is different from Job Switching, as the cultural norms are different, underscoring the changing role of women in society. With them being independent and strong (as shown through the character Mary in the episode Love is All Around).

How has it Changed this Reflection?

All of the different television shows can highlight the transformation of society over the decades. Evidence of this can be seen in I Love Lucy, where Lucy and Ethel are the traditional home makers. The Mary Tyler Moore Show and All in the Family; underscore a change in these norms. As these shows, highlight the differences on a number of issues to include: racial equality, religion, social justice and equal rights just to name a few. This underscores how a change is occurring, within the social norms of society.
The episode of Seinfeld highlights, how these different norms have evolved to be more understanding, yet are sill showing that various prejudices that exist. As result, this is a reflection modern American society and their attitudes. In this aspect, the show highlights these changes in cultural attitudes have take place, while underscoring how many assumptions still exist. This is significant; because it shows how the various attitude and norms in society have changed over the decades.

Clearly, the televisions shows Mary Tyler Moore (Love is All Around), Seinfeld (the Cigar Store Indian), All in the Family (Meet the Bunkers), and I Love Lucy (Job Switching); all highlight how the various cultural norms / attitudes are changing within society. This is significant, because it shows how the basic formula of the genre has remained the same. While at the same time; it is evolving to reflect the different attitudes and norms within society, when each episode is filmed......

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