Germany From the Analysis of Term Paper

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e. The produced unit can be easily exported to other parts of the world. Germany is the corridor for East and West. Germany has proven vast potential of massive technology, and economic incentives. Germany is ranked as the major exporter of the industrialized goods, and due to its proximity to all the major routes it shares major proportion of the trade. 'Germany leading exporter, Americans lagging behind.' (TIMES March 2006). The country has trade agreements with all neighboring countries and continents.

Germany due to its advance technology, and research work has performed miraculously, and its strategic location has further supported the ongoing activities and is responsible for the increasing momentum. Germany has been wise enough to build diplomatic relations with all the countries, and agreements are signed with other countries on the basis of the interest and profitability rather than difference of ideology. Germany has always kept the differences in the ideology on the back, and has forged relationship and understanding with the countries on the basis interests.


The World political conditions have depended Germany's continuous pledge and support towards its resolution. The reason for this again lies in the strategic significance of the country. The country has all the major and common adopted sea routes in its proximity. In case of military deployment of forces from others countries to Middle East and Africa requires the consent of the Germany for carrying forward the plan. Therefore, although Germany is not a permanent member of the Security Council, its involvement and consent is always required.

The German military is also viewed as the best trained military, and the country has good number of strong defense force, therefore the services of the country are always requested for whenever any military expedition takes place either in the command of United Nations, NATO or International Security Forces.
However the country has its own political ideology, the German government has strongly opposed all unilateral military interventions, and has criticized United States bitterly for its Iraq conquest. The German government has successively achieved coherence with France; previously both the country shared stained relationship; however presently both the countries have agreed on all major trade, economic and international issues and share uniform opinion. The 'German-French Nexus' (Washington Post) has further strengthened the German's political influence, and is responsible for surging trade.

The German government again played crucial role in the resolution of Darfur Crisis and Lebanon war, the Germany due to its strategic location has major influence among African countries, therefore United Nations requested the active involvement of the German government for the resolution of this crisis. Germany due to its supremacy and controlling power over the trade routes have gained major authoritative standing to not only influence the trade and military activities, but also mold the political objectives of others.


Germany has recovered from the fall of World War I, and the strategic position of the Germany played crucial role in this regard. Germany has secured the momentum in economics, trade and finance, and has successfully achieved and recovered well. Germany has shaped its foreign policy according to the strategic significance of the region, and has successfully monitored the overall world affairs, and has succeeded from post of observer to that of participant i.e. autonomous......

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