Ghana Was Named After the Research Paper

Total Length: 928 words ( 3 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 2

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A big portion of the aid Ghana receives is usually directed towards the improvement of the health sector.

Ghana has an education system that starts from primary through high school to the university. The primary level takes 6 years, junior high school 3 years, senior high school 4 years and the university degree takes 4 years. The language of instruction in the education system is English (U.S. Department of State, 2011).

The country has a widely democratic system with a multiparty constitutional democracy firmly in place. It is one of the countries that there were contested election results as is the common practice in other countries in Africa. They have an executive, the legislature and the judiciary systems as the three arms of government that run the nation (Ghana Nation, 2011).

Ghana is a member of the majority of the international bodies like the UN and the International Criminal Court among others. Indeed it is famed for having produced one of the finest UN secretary general, Kofi Annan as well as refined mediators like John Kufuor.
Ghana enjoys relatively stable relationship with neighboring countries and the world first economies and enjoys free trade with them all especially in the agricultural business.

Among the challenges that Ghana faces is the pandemic of HIV / AIDS, lack of employment, poverty and illiteracy levels which are still relatively high in the country.

However, with the current economic growth rate that beats all other African countries, coupled with the good governance and stable democracy that was displayed in the meticulous manner in which their previous elections were carried out and the civility in the acceptance of the election results (unlike other countries like Zimbabwe and Kenya), Ghana is headed for better economic days and will become the hub of African economy. This confidence can be further affirmed by the fact that among all other nations, it is only Ghana that president Obama opted to visit when he went to Africa and praised its political and economic trend......

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