Global Business Management the Study Term Paper

Total Length: 401 words ( 1 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 0

The availability of goods from around the world also affects every industry because it affects consumer tastes and preferences. "Where are the cookies that I liked so much from the United Kingdom," a consumer might ask a local supermarket owner -- "I can order them online, but I was hoping to get them at your store?"

Even a firm that does not sell goods over the Internet can use the Internet to find cheaper sources of raw material from suppliers. Importing goods might be a source of savings, especially when the dollar is strong.

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Now, sadly, the weakened dollar means that a vendor must be aware that the goods he or she is importing from international sources will cost more. International events, like a crisis in the Middle East will affect the price of oil, and higher oil prices affects shipping costs, the price of fuel, and thus affects even the price of gas and mozzarella for a local mom n' pop pizza delivery 'joint' that only serves a local clientele. International business affects every enterprise, small or large......

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