Global Organization Analysis Term Paper

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Global Organization Analysis

The World Trade Organization, or WTO, has a strong role in promoting international trade (World, 2014). It not only supervises that trade, but also works to make trade more liberal for all countries (World, 2014). Since trade is an excellent way to keep the economies of various countries moving forward and growing, it would make logical sense that the WTO would be encouraging trade in many different capacities. The WTO was created in 1995 and offers a framework whereby countries can formalize and negotiate trade agreements with one another (World, 2014). There is also a process for dispute resolution so there is less risk to the countries who decide to trade with one another (World, 2014). Participating countries have to agree to the WTO requirements and regulations, and the current focus of the WTO is to bring in more developing countries and get them trading so they can provide more value for their people and offer goods and services that would be of interest to other countries (World, 2014; Daniel & Hughes, 2014).

By encouraging trade, the WTO is able to help any number of countries. Both large, developed countries and smaller, emerging countries can get assistance through the WTO and work with that organization in order to foster trade relationships with other countries (World, 2014). There is a spirit of fairness that comes through working with the WTO, so that each and every country that does so agrees to the same things and abides by the same rules and regulations (World, 2014). When that is done properly, it makes the world as a whole much better for trade and can help numerous countries have economies that are better developed and more solid.
Having good trade relationships with other countries can also help a country have a better dialogue with its trade partners regarding other matters, as well. That is one of the best ways for countries to work together on world issues.

One of the most recent examples reflecting the interest of the WTO in promoting trade on an international level can be seen in its intervention between the U.S. And India. The issue there is about solar power, and the U.S. is taking India to the WTO because it wants a larger foothold for U.S. manufacturers in the solar products market in that country (Daniel & Hughes, 2014). Essentially, the United States does not believe India is playing fair when it comes to how much of a market share the U.S. is being given in that country (Daniel & Hughes, 2014). That may be a legitimate concern, but there is already a very strained relationship between the two countries, and going before the WTO to complain and defend against the complaint is only going to make things worse (Daniel & Hughes, 2014). However, it is also very important to ensure that India really is exercising fair play when it comes to every country that gets into its solar power market, including the United States.

The WTO exists to level the playing field, and that is what it will do when it hears the U.S.' case against India. The issue at hand is that….....

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