Global Trends the United States Term Paper

Total Length: 689 words ( 2 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 2

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One of the positive aspects to all this is that there are several career counseling and orientation programs available within and outside of the military. These provide valuable information on "life after the military" and how to go about reintegrating in the civilian world. Most of those who leave, especially the younger ones, can opt to go back to school and earn a college degree (for those who do not have one) or even a master's or doctorate degree.

Another viable option when it comes to thinking about a career in the military is looking for future employers or colleges that accept experience in the military or provide equivalences. This means that a soldier's military occupation specialty can be aligned with related civilian specifications. Having an equivalence in the civilian world means being able to ease out of the military and enter available civilian jobs. These post-military career actions may seem to be bitter pills that need to be taken but the reality is clear now especially since "the one clear and present threat to the American way of life is the size of the national debt. It is already crowding out other national priorities, shrinking needed investments and leaving the U.
S. susceptible to economic coercion. (Ratnesar, 2011)" Consequently, military or future ex-military personnel will have to accept the fact the being part of the defense reduction may be a continuing service they will be doing to the country. It may not be serving in uniform already but it is serving the nation to ensure that the United States will not lose in any future economic wars that enemies yet to be determined may impose on us......

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